Author name: Pramod Sahoo

Forward Bend Pose

8 Benefits of Ubhaya Padongusthasana & its safety precautions

Ubhaya Padongusthasana – Both Big Toes Pose   Ubhaya Padongusthasana is an excellent asana, if you want to develop your core muscles. Moreover, it is a balancing pose as well. It also strengthens and stretches the core as well. Apart From its physical benefits,Ubhaya Padongusthasana or this pose imparts a number of benefits, spiritually. It […]

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9 Benefits of Supta Padongusthasana with Safety Precautions

Supta Padongusthasana – Reclining Big Toe Posture  What is Supta Padongusthasana? Supta Padongusthasana is a supine asana, that has a whole lot of benefits. The asana or pose is a great way to stretch the hamstrings and calves. Moreover, the spine also gets engaged without getting hurt. Moreover, there is less tension in the back

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2 Variation of Upavistha Konasana & its benefits with Safety precautions

What is Upavistha Konasana? Upavistha Konasana – Wide Angled Seated Forward Bend A and B Upavistha Konasana is one of the most holistic seated forward bending asanas, that can create the right base for other asanas. Moreover, you will get an intense stretch in your upper body, as a result of regular practice. The asana

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3 Variations of Badhakonasana With its Benefits & Safety precautions

Badhakonasana With Variations A B C What is Badhakonasana? Badhakonasana is associated with Butterfly Pose. Some yoga practitioners also address it as the Cobbler pose. If you are a beginner in yoga, you must do badhakonasana pose. The yoga pose is extremely essential for your lower body. Now, you should know what exactly the Sanskrit

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